Mastering Python List of Dictionaries: Your Step-By-Step Guide

Python List of Dictionaries

Hello, budding programmers! Today we have a fascinating journey ahead, diving deep into the heart of Python programming with a concept called “Python list of dictionaries”. Now, don’t fret if this phrase seems a bit complex at first; we’ve got your back. Imagine having a big bookshelf, with different shelves storing different genres of books — that’s somewhat how Python list of dictionaries work!

Through this guide, we will go step by step, learning to create, use, and play around with list of dictionaries.

What is a Python List of Dictionaries?

Let’s first understand what lists and dictionaries are individually.

A list in Python is like a tray of cupcakes; it holds a series of items in a single row, maintaining an order.

A dictionary, on the other hand, is like a nametag on a cupcake, defining what flavor it is; it holds data in key-value pairs, giving a name (key) to each value.

Now, when we talk about a Python list of dictionaries, we are basically putting several nametags (dictionaries) in our tray of cupcakes (list), organizing our data neatly and efficiently.

So, in technical terms, a Python list of dictionaries is a list where each element is a dictionary.

Let’s move on and learn how to create our tray of cupcakes with various nametags!

Creating a Python List of Dictionaries

Step-by-Step Creation

Let’s break it down step-by-step:

  1. Creating a Dictionary: We start by creating individual dictionaries. For instance, here is a dictionary that stores a student’s name and age:
   student1 = {"name": "Alice", "age": 12}
  1. Creating a List: Next, we create a list and add our dictionary to it:
   students_list = [student1]
  1. Adding More Dictionaries: We can add more dictionaries to our list to store details of more students:
   student2 = {"name": "Bob", "age": 14}
   student3 = {"name": "Charlie", "age": 13}


Now our students_list contains three dictionaries, each holding information about a different student.

Creating with a Single Step

Alternatively, we can create a list of dictionaries in a single step, like this:

students_list = [
    {"name": "Alice", "age": 12},
    {"name": "Bob", "age": 14},
    {"name": "Charlie", "age": 13},

Great job! You have created your very first Python list of dictionaries. Now, let’s learn how to access the information stored in it.

Accessing Elements in a Python List of Dictionaries

Just like finding a specific book on a bookshelf, we sometimes want to access specific data from our list of dictionaries. Here’s how we can do it:

Accessing Individual Dictionaries

To access individual dictionaries, we use their index in the list. In Python, the index starts from 0. So, the first dictionary has index 0, the second has index 1, and so on.

print(students_list[0])  # This will print the first dictionary: {'name': 'Alice', 'age': 12}

Accessing Specific Values

To find a specific value in a dictionary, we use its key. Combining this with the list index, we can access any value we want. For example:

print(students_list[2]['name'])  # This will print: Charlie

Here, we accessed the third dictionary (index 2) and then accessed the value associated with the key ‘name’.


Knowing how to change and manage the data in our list of dictionaries is a crucial skill. Let’s learn how to add, update, and remove data.

Adding New Dictionaries

Adding a new dictionary to our list is as simple as adding a new toy to a toy box. We use the append() method to add a new dictionary at the end of the list:

new_student = {"name": "David", "age": 15}

Now, our list has a new dictionary with David’s details.

Updating Values

Sometimes, we might need to update the information stored in our list. For instance, when Charlie has a birthday, we need to update his age:

students_list[2]['age'] = 14

Now, Charlie’s age is updated to 14 in our list.

Removing Dictionaries

There might be times when we want to remove a dictionary from our list. We can do this using the pop() method:


This line of code removes the second dictionary (index 1) from our list, so Bob’s details are removed.

Advanced Operations

As we become more comfortable, now we can start exploring some advanced operations that will help us manage our data more effectively.

Searching for a Dictionary

Imagine having a giant toy box and wanting to find a specific toy. In the same way, we can search for a specific dictionary in our list. Here is how you can find a dictionary based on a specific key-value pair:

for student in students_list:
    if student['name'] == 'Charlie':

This code will search for a dictionary with the ‘name’ key set to ‘Charlie’ and print it.

Sorting the List of Dictionaries

Just like how we can arrange books in alphabetical order, we can also sort our list of dictionaries. Here is how you can sort the list based on the values of a specific key:

sorted_list = sorted(students_list, key=lambda x: x['age'])

This line of code sorts our list of dictionaries in ascending order based on the ‘age’ key.

Nesting Lists and Dictionaries

As we advance, we can even put lists inside dictionaries and dictionaries inside lists to create more complex structures. Here


complex_list = [
    {"name": "Alice", "grades": [85, 90, 78], "age": 12},
    {"name": "Charlie", "grades": [88, 92, 81], "age": 14},

In this list of dictionaries, we have a key ‘grades’ that holds a list of grades for each student.


Try creating your own list of dictionaries, adding new data, updating existing data, and even removing some dictionaries to see the results.

As you grow in your coding journey, you will find Python list of dictionaries to be a powerful tool in your toolkit, helping you build more complex and efficient Python programs.

Happy coding, and remember, the sky is the limit!

Read More:

1: consider using the `–user` option or check the permissions
2: List of Lists in Python
3: Python os path join

Jerry Richard R
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