How to Use Python Print to stderr

How to Use Python Print to stderr

Python is a powerful programming language that is widely used for developing various applications ranging from simple scripts to complex web applications. While working with Python, it’s common to encounter errors and exceptions that need to be handled effectively.

One important technique for handling errors in Python is printing error messages to the standard error output stream, also known as stderr. This helps in identifying the source of the error and debugging the code more efficiently. This article will explore how to print to stderr in Python.

What is stderr in Python?

In Python, there are three standard streams that can be used for input/output operations, as shown below:

Standard StreamsFunctionality
stdinThe stdin stream is used for taking input from the user
stdoutThe stdout stream is used for displaying output to the user
stderrThe stderr stream is used for displaying error messages and exceptions.

When an error or exception occurs in Python, it is automatically printed to the stderr stream. However, we can also explicitly print error messages to stderr using the following methods.

Using sys.stderr.write() Method

For using python print to stderr, we first need to import the sys module. The sys module provides access to the stderr stream using the sys.stderr object. We can then use the write() method of the stderr object to print error messages. 

Here’s an example of how to print an error message to stderr in Python:

import sys

sys.stderr.write("This is an error message.\n")



In this example, the sys module was imported and the write() method of the stderr object was used to print the error message This is an error message. to the standard error output stream.

Note: a newline character (\n) was also added at the end of the message to ensure that it was properly formatted on the output.

It’s also important to note that an integer value was returned by the function. This integer value 26 represented the length of the printed string and was only returned when the function was executed in the interactive Python console. It included the newline character \n which was counted as a single character and was used because sys.stderr.write() didn’t automatically move to a new line after displaying the text. By using this function, error messages could be printed to stderr and separated from regular program output, which helped with debugging and identifying issues in the code.

Exceptions Handling Using stderr

We can also use the stderr stream to handle exceptions and errors in Python. When an exception occurs, we can catch the exception using a try-except block and print the error message to stderr.

Here’s an example of how to catch an exception and print the error message to stderr:

import sys

    x = 1 / 0

except Exception as e:

    sys.stderr.write("Error: {}\n".format(str(e)))



In this example, we tried to divide the number 1 by 0, which would have raised a ZeroDivisionError exception. We caught the exception using a try-except block and printed the error message to stderr using the sys.stderr.write() function.

Using print() Method 

To print to stderr in Python, the print() method can be used. By default, the print() method prints to stdout, but you can redirect it to stderr by specifying the file parameter. Here’s an example:

import sys

print("This is an error message.", file=sys.stderr)


In this example, the print() function specifies the file parameter as sys.stderr to redirect the output to the standard error output stream.

Using logging Module

In Python, the logging module provides a way to print messages to stderr using the logging.warning function. This function logs a message at the WARNING level, which is a level lower than the ERROR level. Here’s an example:

import logging

import sys

# Configure the logger to log messages at the WARNING level to stderr

logging.basicConfig(level=logging.WARNING, stream=sys.stderr)

# Log a warning message to stderr

logging.warning("This is a warning message.")


In this example, we first imported the logging and sys module. We then used the logging.basicConfig() method to configure the logger to log messages at the WARNING level and to send the output to the stderr stream. Finally, we used the logging.warning() method to log a warning message This is a warning message. to the standard error output stream.

Note: We could customize the format of the log messages and configure other logging options using the various methods provided by the logging module.

The logging module was a powerful tool that could be used to debug and log various aspects of Python programs.


In Conclusion, using Python print to stderr is a vital technique that enables developers to handle errors and debug their code more efficiently. We explored different methods in this article, including using the sys.stderr.write() method, the print() function with the file parameter set to sys.stderr, and the logging module.

Each of these methods provides a different level of customization, allowing developers to choose the best option for their specific use case. By leveraging the power of printing to stderr in Python, developers can create more robust and reliable programs that can easily handle errors and exceptions.

Good Luck with Your Learning !!

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Jerry Richard R
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